Thursday, September 28, 2006

SOA installment #1

So, I had my first official meeting for the SOA protest delegation from Regis tonight.

If you don't know about the School of the Americas, I recommend going to In brief, it's a training camp in Ft. Benning Georgia which trains military personnel from Latin American countries. The problem is, the "graduates" of the program have been linked to many human rights violations, including the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero, six Jesuit priests and their two housekeepers, four American church women, not to mention the eradication of many villages and individuals, making a grand total of thousands of innocent lives.

And this is funded with my tax money. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

So, tonight begins the process which will culminate at the SOA protest down in Georgia in the middle of November.

I'm sure I will have more to say at later dates.

Until then, I covet your prayers, for my sake, and for our delegation, and most importantly for the entire situation.

Close the SOA!



Monday, September 25, 2006

Am I awake yet?

I want to try to be cryptic for once.

Can I really "try" though?

Is it not the same if I think about it too much?

But maybe I want people to understand.

Or maybe I'm afraid they will...

When is "the right time"

If it is, am I brave enough?

Will I actually be bold and step out?

Or will I wait and be quiet and hope it just falls into place without me having to push myself.

Wouldn't that make it less valuable?

If it doesn't happen like I want it to, that doesn't make me a failure.

I still would probably feel like one.

Or, at least I think I would, so I don't bother to try.

I wonder when my energy drink will wear off and I will crash.

I actually want to be awake in my classes.

I really don't like my bike right now.

But it's not the bikes fault now is it.

How can I read and study about the things that I feel really matter, when I have to spend so much time on my classes?

Stupid computers.

I really like Greek, I just don't want to study it right now.

Why am I feeling so out of place lately.

It's not like people don't love me.

I just somehow feel like I don't fit.

What exactly are you doing God?

How transparent am I?

At what point do I need to conciously show myself?

Why don't I like phones?

Where do I go from here...


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

New and Improved Boyfriend Jesus!!!!

Now in addition to your own Bible, study aids and a worship CD, the new set comes with your very own "prayer closet" playset. All you need is Jesus and yourself. He will be your perfect friend without the need for all those other imperfect figurines you would normally play with.


Following God requires others.

If Jesus is the same as "The Body of Christ", and "The Body of Christ" is the Church (I.E. the Community of believers who are all striving after Jesus), then how exactly do we expect to find Jesus in a vacuum? Since when is the Bible God's final revelation to us? Isn't Jesus alive after all? Doesn't that mean we can't confine him to the "historical Jesus" as we see him in the Gospels (who, by the way, is much more radical and challenging than we Christians seem to believe).

If Jesus is part of us, then shouldn't we be seeking to find him in those around us? God is going to reveal himself in a different way to me than he will my friends, so shouldn't we want to learn from that?

No more of this "Sola Scriptura" stuff...