Friday, February 20, 2009

Something I noticed about sports movies

So my roommate was watching Drumline on the tv as I was getting ready to go workout this evening. I noticed that there seems to be a common theme in all the sports movies I've seen.

Invariably one of the best players, if not the main character, is a very talented young man or woman. They have the skills, but they don't know how to work on a teem. They either end up sparring with the coach, another star on the team, or the entire team. This is also usually a team that has no chance at winning the next game or big event, and is also likely to get cut, or have the coach fired, or something life threatening if they don't do so. At first they show their rebellion against the system, sometimes winning in spite of it, but often ending up messing up things for the rest of the team. Then there is some big change of heart, whether it be someone getting injured, or the person ends up taking the fall for or saving their rival from something. Then suddenly we have the comeback team, and they are able to win it all, or at least advance further than they were expecting to, and the cocky teenager/young adult ends up becoming a true team leader and has great success because they learned that it takes more than just raw talent to win. Oh, and we can't forget that we are often watching a dramatization of a true life story, and get a glimpse about what really happened after the events of the movie.

So, did I get that about right? I think I just covered the majority of the sports movies that I've ever seen. Gotta love it :).

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