Thursday, September 28, 2006

SOA installment #1

So, I had my first official meeting for the SOA protest delegation from Regis tonight.

If you don't know about the School of the Americas, I recommend going to In brief, it's a training camp in Ft. Benning Georgia which trains military personnel from Latin American countries. The problem is, the "graduates" of the program have been linked to many human rights violations, including the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero, six Jesuit priests and their two housekeepers, four American church women, not to mention the eradication of many villages and individuals, making a grand total of thousands of innocent lives.

And this is funded with my tax money. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

So, tonight begins the process which will culminate at the SOA protest down in Georgia in the middle of November.

I'm sure I will have more to say at later dates.

Until then, I covet your prayers, for my sake, and for our delegation, and most importantly for the entire situation.

Close the SOA!




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