Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So, bout time I write something again

So here I am.

CVV is ending here in... 16 days? June 27th... Our closing retreat is tomorrow and Friday. It's in some way a very exciting time as we are all looking forward to our journey outside of this awesome yet somewhat insulated and unreal program. We are looking for jobs, looking for houses, looking for our vocations. You know, little things.

For myself, I will continue working at Metro CareRing until September. It's a part time kinda thing, hourly wage. I'm really torn between trying to find another job to have some more money, or to try and make do and enjoy all the free time. After that, I'm planning on going to France to visit the Monastery in the town of Taize. Although, since it won't be until the Winter it also begs the question of what do I really want to do with my time. I guess I could look for a job that will get me through winter and then go to France when it is nicer. The only thing that complicates that train of thought is living situation (do I want to be actually on a lease and figure out something for while I'm gone, or only find a place for the next three months, etc.).

Me and the other two guys here went and checked out a place nearby tonight (our housemate who was asked to leave the program shall be returning and living with us). Seems pretty nice, and it looks like the owners would be pretty laid back. It isn't the super best neighborhood in the world, but it would work. We are looking at some other places this weekend hopefully, and other places later if needed. We are going to go ahead and apply for this place, since it is a free app., unlike some places. So we will see how that goes.

The only concern I have about living with the other guys is that my personality is a bit different from theirs. The three of them were much more in the party kind of scene in college, and enjoy those kinds of things, whereas I'm not exactly a fan. Now, I have branched out and I enjoy hanging out with them and a good drink once in awhile (or twice or thrice in awhile... that's how it goes). But overall, pretty different. Now, I'm sure we will talk about things some, and set some kinds of expectations, and I'm always free to go elsewhere (which, I might end up doing... I really miss hanging out at my favorite coffee shop).

Otherwise life is good. Four of the girls actually decided on a place already, and I believe most of them have jobs as well. A few more people are looking for places, but overall nothing to really be stressed out about quite yet.

On a lighter note, I'm kinda excited that Dungeons and Dragons 4.0 is out. Yes, I am a geek, deal. :) I haven't actually played anything yet. I know that there has been a lot of complaints that it seems too much like a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, as in World of Warcraft or Everquest for you normal folks out there). So we will see how it compares to 3.5 and whatnot. I'm just looking forward to having time to do stuff like that again. I'm really interested in playing Shadowrun as well. Yay nerds!

Anyway, that's about life for now. Prepare for massive life changes, so if you thought I was busy this year, just wait for the next few weeks. Ahhhh!

Plus, I still have to sort through a lot of my old stuff at my parents. Time to get rid of some childhood attachments I think. No need to weigh myself down with loads of stuff that might have significance but are only packed away in a box. Not that I'm getting rid of every single thing of course, but no reason to keep more than the most meaningful things.
