Friday, April 20, 2007

Something I don't get...

Why do some Christians complain so much about how Christmas and Easter were Pagan holidays, not to mention all the other practices and whatnot that Christianity has taken into itself?

Isn't the whole idea of Jesus transformation?

Take my little old self. Screwed up with the fall, just like the rest of the world, and then I recieve God's Grace no quesitons asked and I become a new creation, and I start becoming what God wanted me to be from the start.

So, isn't the world no less in need of transformation? Specific to Christmas and Easter and their relationship to Pagan seasonal holidays and the cycles of nature and all that, what exactly wrong with that? God made the earth, and so is there something wrong about recogizing that?

I think that people, especially Americans are already disconnected to nature enough. It seems to make sense to me that there can be a Christian understanding of nature and celebration of equinoxi and whatnot. I think it's quite sad in fact that many people feel they need to resort to Paganism, Druidism, or 'Native' religions in order to be connected to nature. Can't we have room for God's creation and celebrate it while still recognizing the source?

Which reminds me of another thing. Awhile back I listed damaging nature as a sin, and a few of my friends questioned me on that. After reflecting on that and considering it, I'm still going to argue that it is. I agree it's a broad thing, and it does need qualification.

One of my friends said that if what I'm claiming is true, every time she steps into her car and drives somewhere she is sinning. In a very broad way I believe that yes, it is. Call me a tree hugger or whatever, but I think that while God has given us our intellect and ability to create industry and whatnot, and through that we have done great things. But, despite that I think it's not how things are supposed to be.

Once we experience the fullness of the Kingdom of God I somehow doubt we are all going to be running around in cars and have massive factories and whatnot. There are sins of a personal nature, familiar nature and also socital nature, and I think that everything that goes into the creation of products, transportation and disposal is a great socital sin. Now, I don't believe we should go around beating ourselves up every time we get into a car, but to just dismiss it outright is no different to me than completely ignoring wars that are going on around the world, or the way that the poor are treated in our country, or even turning away when we see something wrong.

Discuss :)

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