Wednesday, April 25, 2007

*Shhhh* I'm going to talk about homosexuality...

So I've been thinking about homosexuality for awhile, especially since it's come up a lot recently at Regis in not so pleasant a light.

First off, before I get into any of my philosophical babbling, THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR DISCRIMINATION, HATE, OR EXCLUSION FOR ANYONE WHO IS HOMOSEXUAL.

That being said, here are my thoughts.

I'm going to start with laying out my understanding, and going on with the explanation from there. I believe that Homosexuality is not natural, I don't believe it is how God intended anyone to believe. However, our world having fallen from the Ideal that God created us to be, it's a reality.

Many people argue for the biological reasons that are coming up, etc., etc. My response to that is that there are many biological leanings that humans have towards things that are wrong. Take somebody who has a biological tendency to become addicted to alcohol. If they do not ever touch alcohol it isn't a problem, but as soon as they do, it starts affecting them.

Now, in saying this I don't believe that all people who are homosexual 'chose' to become homosexual, instead I feel it is a complex process having to do with biological makeup and psychological effects from childhood. I don't accept that people are simply born homosexual. As well, I think that it is possible for someone to ultimately convince their body that they are homosexual, but I don't think that is how it happens for most people. How many people want to consciously enter a lifestyle that is looked down upon by society?

Given that this happens, and that there are plenty of people who are born into situations where they have no control (like the thousands of babies born with HIV, or addicted to crack or alcohol) I don't think it is our place to judge them for being true to what they are. First off, it isn't our place to judge in the first place, and secondly, God loves us just as much knowing how we are screwed up so what can we really say anyway.

Because of this, I'm not opposed to civil marriage between homosexual persons. I can't personally accept a religious acceptance, although there are plenty of Christians who do, but regardless I don't think that homosexuals should be denied the ability to have stable structures and have the same benefits that straight people do, especially since Christians don't really complain about non-Christians that are straight getting married.

As long as we keep up this judgment and condemnation of homosexual people, there is always going to be a break between them and the church. It's funny that scripture talks much more about the poor and the orphans and the widows and about non-violence, yet we focus on homosexuality which only has a few ambiguous verses and logical arguments to back it up. I believe that God can heal people and change their psychological makeup, but I also know that we are not in the full Kingdom of God and because of that not all will be healed and changed, so if somebody enters a church wanting to change, then I think we should pray all we can for that, but if somebody does not want that, yes we should still pray, but at that point it is more between them and God.

Point being, we need to see their dignity as human beings, and as children of God who are screwed up equally as much as us for thousands of different reasons in addition to happening to be homosexual, and are thus on the same playing field as us and needing love just as much. And if all they find is condemnation from us, how are they going to find the love of God.

I'm sure there is more to say but that's all I have for now... Give me your thoughts! I know this gets talked about often enough, but I think it's one that needs to continually be thought of.


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