Thursday, February 22, 2007

For a title I would need to know what I'm writing about...

It's around 4:00 on a Thursday afternoon and I'm realizing I haven't written anything in awhile.

First off, to get the not so fun stuff out of the way, for those of you who didn't know, my girlfriend broke up with me two Tuesday's ago. Sorry to those of you who weren't aware I was dating in the first place.

On the bright side, having her choose Jesus over me isn't that bad. After all, if your going to be broken up with for another guy, the son of God isn't something you can complain about.

That's what happens when your interested in someone who wants to become a nun, I guess.

School is rolling on... I'm being the chronic procrastinator I always am (You would think I would have learned after 16 years of school, but not so).

I definitely feel like I'm in Lent, although for me I think "Ash Wednesday" was a few months back. I hope Easter is soon...

Things with most of my friends seems really awkward. I can't say why. I've never been very good at actually reaching towards my friends. I usually expect people to do the footwork. I know I need to work on it but it doesn't help when I don't particularly feel like doing it.

Plus, I've missed the last three weeks of church for various reasons. No bueno.

I'm not ready to be single...

But who wants to rebound?

I'm not ready for life.... Or, "real life" at least.

I wish the Kingdom of God wasn't so... quiet. I'm so tired of all the theology and apology and philosophy... There are thousands of strains of Christianity, not to mention everything outside of Christianity, and everybody says they are right.

I feel more and more like I'm floating, that I don't fit in. Like I'm caught somewhere between all the different manafestations of worshiping God and nothing seems quite right.

Catholic, Protestant, Liberal, Conservative, Community, Individual, God, Us...

Enough already......

I need a better coping mechanism. Computers are so not cutting it.

I don't think all the books and people and drugs and booze and whatever could do anything either.

Obvious answer would be Jesus, but that seems so much more abstract. Well, perhaps not Jesus himself, but finding him at least.

One Song, Glory...




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