Saturday, December 23, 2006

Out with the old...

Happy Advent everyone.

I see that it's been close to a month since I've posted anything. So as you can see I fixed that.

A lot has gone on in the last few weeks: finals, roommate, relationship, snow... More on all of these momentarily. I've actually gotten around to cleaning a bit. My room is nowhere near perfect... there are still piles of various things to go through, today's laundry to put away, papers to sort, recyclables to take to recycling... not to mention cleaning the bathroom. But overall, there are improvements.

If you didn't notice, there has been a blizzard here in Colorado, so I've been stuck at home for the last few days. Except for not being well prepared with food I've had a pretty good time. Unlike some of my friends and my roommate, I've been perfectly content staying here. No cabin fever for me! In fact, in some ways I'm actually glad that the blizzard happened.

The reason I say that is because I decided to work at the school store for awhile over break before I head to El Salvador in the beginning of January. I mainly did it because I knew they needed help, but there was part of me that wanted to simply relax. My second day of work (on Monday) was actually fairly stressful psychologically. I had forgotten how much of a joker one of the staff was and so he got me going that one of the former employees was arrested for dealing drugs. For an hour. I was fairly embarrassed.

I know that the days I will be there after Christmas will be not very fun, since we were behind already and we are going to be quite behind now. But, all things considered, I really needed the break.

Up until last week, I had some very stressful things going on. The first was school, the second was my former roommate.

Now, I admit completely that my situation with school was mainly my fault. I am a procrastinator and I'm not afraid to admit it. It gets me in very bad situations though, such as getting close to not passing classes because I didn't turn in essays... that kind of thing. But, regardless of how it happened, I was certainly stressed out from it, and the last two weeks of school were very busy for me. Even when I did try to manage my time, assignments took longer than I expected they would which I'm sure gave a lot of stress to my teachers. The worst part is that in all technicality it is now the third semester in a row that has turned out like that. I still haven't learned! The fact that I eeked by everything probably doesn't help because that means there is a little whisper in the back of my mind that I'm going to get through it anyway.

I really want to finish my last semester strong. It helps that I'm taking one less class next semester, so hopefully I can breathe better. The flip side, however, is that they are all upper level, except my voice lesson and choir (well, the choir I'm in is technically 400 level but it's not stressful). So I will be dealing with two English, a Philosophy and a Senior Seminar. I pray that I actually keep up with my papers this next semester. I started out this past one well, but it died near the end.

This brings me to my second stress. I think that this one also impacted my schooling in some ways. I didn't think it was that stressful at the time, but I think underneath it was getting to me.

This was because my former roommate was not a very nice person. To help you understand, here is the list of things that were broken or damaged while he was here: two computers, two monitors, one TV, one game system, one guitar, the carpet in his room, smoking in his room, the blinds in his room, pots and pans, the stove, and an undetermined amount of food and alcohol which we believe he purposefully spoiled, or in the case of the alcohol, poured it out, put water in the bottles and put them back in the fridge. I also think he tried to break into the downstairs part of our house after we put a lock on the door. This and tracking a huge amount of dirt onto the carpet because he always went in and out to smoke.

The worst part, is we can't prove for sure that he did it. It's all circumstantial evidence since we never saw him do any of it. We did have the police come and we have a report filed, but I don't think there is anything we can do about it. We didn't collect a deposit from him, since he technically sub-leased from us (if he was actually on the lease there would be hell to pay). So it was a really crappy situation. He is gone now, but I'm not sure what my roommate and I are going to do. We are torn between just letting it go and being glad he is out of our life, or seeking damages (at least for his room, if not for everything suspicious that went on). On the one hand, it's just money, but I don't like him getting away scot free.

So now we are trying to find a new roommate (or more) since the rent is a bit much for two of us to manage. But I think we should be able to find somebody.

On the bright side, I'm officially in a relationship. It's nice. Actually nice is quite the understatement and I'm not sure how best to actually put it into words, so I will leave it to your imagination. It's also difficult, because we have our differences, naturally, not to mention the problem of her living about 30 minutes away by car and me not having a car. Fortunately, her roommate goes to school with me, so it's easy for the three of us to end up together. However, because of that and both of our schedules being busy, we actually haven't had a "date" where we got a significant amount of time alone together.

The wonderful thing about it is that she doesn't especially mind. Of course we would love to spend more time together, however, she just recently got a car (I'm a more confident driver!) and still uses the bus so she completely understands the situation. I can understand completely how it can be a bit exasperating to have to deal with my transportation needs (especially for her roommate which does the majority of it) but I'm not given the same sort of criticism that I received before.

I suppose those are the main events of the last few weeks. Next is Christmas!

Speaking of relationships and Christmas, it's an interesting thing figuring out if she and I can do anything together for Christmas. On the one hand, we haven't been dating for that long, so there isn't the need to do things with our respective families, but at the same time, her family knows me, and my parents know her, so that takes away some of the awkwardness. But, considering her family is in Parker and mine is in Lakewood, I don't think we are going to really do anything, especially with the blizzard and us going back to work soon enough.

In some ways I don't mind, because we are going to get together later to exchange presents, but at the same time, it would be nice to spend time with her and with our families (I haven't had a chance to spend much time with her family in awhile since she moved out to Aurora), especially with it being such a significant time of the year for us as followers of Jesus. It would be a better gift than anything I can think of. But, good things are worth waiting for, and this isn't something I want to rush.

Anyway, I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas. Or if you don't observe Christmas, blessings on however you celebrate.

Peace on Earth




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