Thursday, March 09, 2006

Stupid airports

Okay so yesterday I went with a friend to pick somebody up from the airport. As we got close there was a 45 minute waiting area where you could park before picking somebody up. We passed that by because our friend's flight was supposed to come in at 6:21.

Four loops around the airport later he is finally ready to get out. Is it just me or is this the stupidest system? If you arrive too early to pick somebody up you’re forced to drive around aimlessly. It's a huge waste of time and gas from what I can tell. How about having the waiting area closer? Oh wait, that would require giving up valuable parking space which we can make thousands of dollars on. So much for things being a service.

I could insert a nice rant about consumerism right now but that isn't going to really change anything. I could write hundreds of essays about the origins and effects of consumerism, etc. etc. Sure it might make some people think a little harder about our culture, but the way it is, we can't escape it. And as much as ideologically I would love to get out of consumerism, I think that if I was honest I wouldn't like it. Sure, it's easy to pick on Wal Mart and other big companies that are known to be shady in their treatment of employees, and sweatshops and what have you but the majority of American life is built on other people.

Take food for example. It's a huge part of our existence but I don't see many farmers owning huge houses and expensive cars. Yet we have actors and sports figures that are our entertainment and they are the ones who have cushy lives. Where the is the sense in that? Sure I like going to movies and playing my videogames but do I think that most of my money should go towards that? Not really. Perhaps that's why I don't really have many qualms over downloading movies off the internet once in awhile. I admit bad justification and it doesn't make piracy morally correct, but it is a thought anyway. Alas.

It's hard to try and be counter-culture when I'm in the middle of it. Sure, I can avoid shopping at Wal Mart and other such places, and watch where things I buy are manufactured, and only support artists that I think deserve it. I know I can make a little bit of a difference in that way, but real change has to be personal and cultural, and the powers that be (physical and spiritual) aren't exactly willing for that to happen.

What is ultimately needed from what I can gather is a revolution. Spiritual and physical. Humans need to be the ones that change our society, and we need God to push down the spiritual forces that ultimately drive us humans towards pride, greed, power, lust, etc. that have formed the earth as we know it now. That's what Christianity is really about when you think about it. Sure, redeeming the person is extremely important, but the Kingdom of God on earth means just that. God wants to restore his creation. All of it. Not just us humans but our societies and nations.

Come, Lord Jesus, Come.


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