Monday, January 17, 2005

Back to the Beginning

Well folks, College starts again tomorrow.

My classes are going to be Chaucer, Environmental Ethics, Asian Religion and Philosophy, New Testament Themes, along with continuing Latin and the class for my University Ministry work. I'm looking forward to all of my classes, so I think it's going to be a great semester. I already know I have some friends in some of my classes, and I will find out who else I have in them once I actually go to them. I didn't have to pay too much for books. Especially considering I got about $60's for the only book from last semester that I wanted to sell.

It should be a pretty interesting semester. I have decided that I'm going to try to do some real cooking this semester, so I got myself a nice pan and so on and so forth. We will have to see how that works out. Especially with all the mounting evidence that microwaved food isn't good, I'm going to try and use it as little as possible. I wish I had a sauce pan though, since the one I got is more of a medium sized fry-pan, and I can't do pasta or rice in it, so I'm stuck with the microwave for that.

I wish I could say that the rest of my life was going as smoothly as I think the semester will go.

First off, well, my church seems to be going further and further downhill. Not to mention that both of my parents resigned from the positions they had in our church. There was a vote last
Sunday about whether or not we would accept help from the organization that our church is part of. So we are just stuck in limbo. The only real reason that I have stayed this long is because of my parents and the friends I have in the youth group. I just haven't been getting anything out of going to the church besides my friendships. I'm content with leaving, as much as I want to see the church get healthy again, it's not the place for me any more.

Thankfully I have been going to a saturday night service with one of my other friends who used to go to our church (and not to mention my youth group friends and parents have come... along with one of my best friends). I really like it there. The sermons have challenged me and really made me think, and I really feel cared for there, even though I have only gone to the services and not gotten involved in any way besides that. I really feel like I fit in there, and I think its very likely that I will join that church.

As far as romantic sorts of relationships, well I'm not sure I really want to get into that right now. I'm not dating right now, however I have still been really close with my last g/f. I can't say we are dating right now, but we have nothing like a 'normal' friendship. We could possibly start dating again, if some changes happen, such as me getting a job and car and things like that (of course, I have things that I would want her to work on, but I'm not going to get into that). On my side, I probably not going to try and get a job and car until this summer, since I want to be able to focus on school. Not to mention I have other commitments and a job on campus, so it would be extremely hard for me to find a job that would fit in with my schedule.

As far as how our relationship is going in itself... well... I'm not sure how to really describe that. Right now, I'm still upset at her because of a conversation we had last night, along with some decisions she is thinking about making in her life which are not in her best interest, as much as she would say otherwise. Perhaps I would go into more detail later, but I'm really not up to doing that right now.

The Bible Study I'm involved with started up last week. It was supposed to start the week before, but the snow was bad enough that they postponed it. It didn't go so well for me. I have been going there more for a prayer group that is going to start a College age group, but I was needed to help run a group since there weren't enough leaders. I wasn't able to get the particular group to do anything. Only one person having done the lesson didn't really help matters. I'm disappointed both because I feel like I failed, and also because the kids didn't really get anything out of the meeting part of the study. But, I'm not going to dwell on it.

I think that about covers all the major recent events. More went on during my break from school, but I think I'm going to write something just on that later. I think that what I have written is enough for the moment.

Thats all for now.



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