Wednesday, January 19, 2005

And Another

So passes my second day of school.

I have now been to all but two of my classes. The only reason for that, is that they are Monday classes, and we started on Tuesday. I'm going to enjoy all the subjects I'm studying. But it's going to be very hard. I know this already.

Latin was hard enough last semester, and I have more of it this semester. It shouldn't be too bad, since it's going to involve lots of things from my first semester, but that means I have to remember it. Bother. On top of that, which involves new vocab and quizzes each week, I'm taking a class on Chaucer. Now, this isn't a nice translation of Chaucer. This is pure middle english. So, I'm going to have to spend more time reading than I'm used too.

Beyond that... my class on Buddhism. Our teacher pretty much said in the first class that if we weren't a Junior or Senior that we (probably) shouldn't be in this class because it is a 400 level class. Two other people in my class that are my friends are in it, so I'm not too worried. It will probably be pretty hard. I had a 400 level class last semester though, so I shouldn't have too much of a problem.

My other Religious Studies class shouldn't be as hard, it is New Testament Themes. I have quite a few friends in the class, most of them are also in my dorm. The only part that is probably going to be difficult about that is service learning, and even then, that is something I have already done so its not a big deal. I'm probably going to end up working at the same site this semester anyway.

Speaking of 400 level classes, one of my monday classes is a 400 level class too, Environmental Ethics. I know I have a few friends in that class already, and who knows who else might be in it. However, since I haven't been to it yet, I can't say what it might be like.

My other monday class is just my Practicum for my University Ministry job, which isn't really that difficult. Not to mention that my supervisor at work is the one running the class. Course that means he is going to make me help him out once in awhile (ha... what am I kidding, probably more than once in awhile, lol).

So there you go, thats my class schedule for the year. Don't be too surprized if I become even more of a recluse. I'm not sure how I'm going to do anything for say... the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (DJB for future reference) which I'm involved with. Not to mention other online things, and other extracurricular activities, and my work on campus. Oh well, that is what I'm paying to be in college for after all, to learn and learn well.

Not too much went on socially today. Some things happened yesterday that I could comment on, but I don't feel like doing that now. I'm about to go help one of my friends with something for the aformention DJB. Actually, I did have more socially than I thought of.

AGAPE, the group that I'm involved with for my work began today. We had an awesome discussion on Non-Violence. I believe I mentioned that it was going to happen in my last post. The Professor had to leave at 6:00, and the discussion continued for another hour for those who could stay. Both parts were good, but I think I probably got more out of the second half, since the professor follows the Pragmatic tradition, which in a word is not Theistic, while the people who stayed to talk were all Theistic in some way or another, so we were able to talk about Non-Violence from a more Judeo-Christian standpoint, and relate more of our own lives too it.

So that was really fun, and thought provolking, probably one of the best AGAPE's that I have been too. Anyway, my friend is waiting, so I better go. Until next time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Browsed onto a page at that listed Vietnam veterans. It somehow sent me here. Not sure what I clicked on. Oh well... So how long have you running your own website? later, Dave

3:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Blogger saw a page at that talked about students that sent me here. Not sure if you traded links or not? So how long have you been running your own site? ttyl Dave

1:42 PM  

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